Do you have trouble falling asleep or getting a good nights rest? I want to share some information of why you get your ‘second wind’ late at night and some helpful tips about electronics that help you in getting a good nights rest you deserve.

Hi, it’s Debbie Jones from The Ideal Method, and today I just want to share with you some tips on sleeping patterns.

A lot of people have come to me, and I know a lot of people in my life that have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep at night—really getting a good night’s sleep. So I just wanted to share some tips with you on what you can do to kind of prepare your space but also give you the best chance of getting a really good night’s sleep.

How Your Energy System Affects Sleep

The first thing that I want to talk about is your stress system. Yep, it’s involved.

So what happens is that your stress system, the triple warmer, is part of a big system called the Meridian system. The Meridian system has 14 pieces to it—it’s one big system that has 14 separate pieces. But twelve of those pieces have a two-hour time frame during the day, during our 24-hour day, to recharge. And if they need more energy, they’re going to get what they need to be in their optimal space in that two-hour period so that it can support the rest of the system for 24 hours.

The Meridian system is made up of different systems in the body, but mostly organs get that two-hour time frame. So your stress response system, triple warmer—its two-hour period to recharge is from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. at night. So it’s going to be balancing and releasing energy that’s got too much, it’s going to be bringing more energy in, and again, it wants to be at its peak optimal way of processing by 11:00 p.m. so that it can help all the other systems throughout the 24-hour period.

Why Sleeping Before 11 PM Supports Energy Balance 

So what does that mean for you? If you are not in a place of rest or being in bed or putting yourself to bed by 11 p.m., that system takes a look around and says, “Okay, what’s going on? Oh, they’re up. My person is up. Then I need to get back into place and help them with whatever they’re working on.”

So this is a lot of times when people have a hard time falling asleep. By 11:30, 12 o’clock, they get what they call their second wind, and that’s because triple warmer is already charged up to keep you up for the night. So try your best to get to sleep between the hours of 9:00 and 11:00.

Reducing Electronic Interference for Restful Sleep

The second thing that I want to share with you is the impact of electronics in the bedroom.

When we are sleeping, this is really our time—our body’s time—to rest and restore. It’s the perfect opportunity. When we are in that deep state of relaxation, that is when our body self-repairs. So anything that’s happening—little aches and pains, we have a little cough, maybe we’re having a hard time getting over a cold—when we are resting, that deep state of relaxation, that’s when all the magic happens. So we want to make sure that our environment supports that.

Advice from an Energy Practitioner: Minimize EMF Exposure While Sleeping

So I’m going to talk a little bit about cell phones, iPads, maybe those smartwatches that we have—anything that’s attached to the body or near the body that is emitting or gathering any information from Bluetooth, Wi-Fi—all of that electromagnetic activity is foreign to our body.

So when we have something strapped to our wrist, our wrist is acting as an antenna to unnatural energy systems coming in. And what our body has to do is kind of push off and defend. So if it’s defending at the time that it’s supposed to be resting and restoring, we’re not going to get a good night’s sleep, and we’re not going to get the benefits of what sleep provides for us.

So I’m going to offer or suggest—any type of, again, iPad, computer, cell phone, smartwatches—put them into an airplane mode status or turn them off. Because at that point, they are not looking for or attracting any type of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi activity.

Simple Steps to Improve Your Sleep Quality

So that is the first thing to do, and I know that’s going to be hard for a lot of people, but it can all wait. The social media dings, the buzzing, all those little things that keep our body on alert—all of that can wait for the power of what you’re going to get during a good night’s sleep.

Also, if you have a TV or any other electronic that has a red eye that’s looking for a command from a remote control—turn those off. And I would also suggest that if you have a TV and you are turning it off very conveniently and putting that remote control right next to your bed—take the five seconds to get up and put that remote next to the TV.

Because a lot of times, what’s happening is that red eye is coming right through your bed to see if it’s waiting for a signal from that remote control.

So those are some really simple setups. Get to bed between 9 and 11 if you can. Turn the electronics off—at least put them in airplane mode so that your body can rest and restore so that you can get a really good night’s sleep.

Connect With The Ideal Method for More Energy Healing Techniques

That’s it for today! You know how to get in touch with me—Debbie Jones at The Ideal Method. I have a Facebook page at The Ideal Method and also my website,, where you can find all of these videos.

Thank you so much, and have a great day!