Hi, it’s Debbie Jones from The Ideal Method, and in today’s video, I want to share with you a really easy exercise that you can do to tap into that stress response system.
Understanding the Stress Response System
As we’ve talked about before, that stress response system—we’re gonna call it by its name, Triple Warmer—has several really important jobs in our bodies. One, first and foremost, is to keep us alive, and it will do that at all costs. So whenever it feels that there is stress coming towards us or any type of threat coming towards us, it wants to react.
What we want to do is, one, be so grateful for that system being there, reacting, keeping us alive, and doing all the things that it does in the body, releasing hormones and doing all these wonderful things. But we want to make sure that this system stays balanced. A lot of times, when the system is unbalanced, we’re feeling anxiety, overwhelmed. Many times, we feel very fearful of things that are around us.
Releasing Fear with Energy Medicine
So today, we’re going to actually tap into that feeling of fear and how we can bring that down and help bring Triple Warmer back into balance. Because when Triple Warmer is in balance, it is an amazing system that really helps us to feel safe, secure, calm, and helps us deal with all of the things that are around us in our day-to-day lives. It can spark joy and happiness. So that’s what we want—we want to bring that system into balance.
Energy Healing Exercise: Tap Away Fear & Anxiety
Here’s a really easy way to do that and also to mitigate if you are feeling overwhelmed with fear. And we’re living in a crazy time right now, so it’s justified if you’re feeling that.
What I want you to do is bring your hand right over the middle of your chest. With your other hand, we’re going to tap right into this little nook, right in between our ring finger and our pinky finger. In energy psychology, this is actually called the Gamut Point, but it’s also called the Fear Point.
So what we’re going to do is tap that point ten times, take a deep breath, and then tap it again thirty times.
Okay, here we go: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. I don’t know about you, but I can feel that connection with my heart already coming in.
And now we’re going to tap again for thirty times.
Take a deep breath.
Bringing Balance & Calm with Energy Healing
How does that feel? Even having your hand coming up and supporting your heart can have a wonderful impact on the body. If you’re still feeling fearful, what you can do is replace your hands and do it again on the other side. Then take a deep breath and just see how you’re feeling.
A really easy exercise to balance out Triple Warmer, to help release the feelings of fear and being in control.
Connect With The Ideal Method for More Energy Healing Techniques
That’s it for today! You know how to get in touch with me—on my Facebook page at The Ideal Method or on my website at TheIdealMethod.com. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow!