Do you feel like you are having a hard time thinking? Maybe you feel you are ‘Reacting’ more than you are ‘Thinking’. Try this simple exercise to bring energy and blood flow back to the ‘thinking’ part of your brain!

Hi everybody, it’s Debbie Jones from the Ideal Method. I just wanted to check in and see how are you doing today? I’m doing pretty good where I am. It’s about 60-plus degrees, the birds are singing outside, the sun hasn’t come out yet, but I’m sure she will make an appearance today or tomorrow sometime. But today, I wanted to talk about stress. Not that any of us are under any type of stress right now, but I wanted to talk to you a little bit about stress, what happens in the body when we’re under stress, and things that we can do to get ourselves back into a state of relaxation, a state of calm.

How Stress Affects the Brain & Body

So right now, when our bodies are reacting or have a stressful situation put in front of us, what automatic response happens is there is an automatic response in the body where all the blood from the front part of our brain, our thinking part of the brain, goes to the reactive part of the brain in the back of the head. And what this does is it’s an automatic system where it says we need to take all of our resources and we need to… it goes right into the fight-or-flight. So I need to send those resources down to the legs to skedaddle out of here. I need to send those resources to the arms to fight our way out or we need to freeze, and we see that a lot in deer when they just freeze when they’re under stress. 

The Problem with Prolonged Stress

So that’s great that that system is there to protect us, to keep us safe, to keep us alive, but what happens when we’re under prolonged stress and all of that blood from our thinking brain goes to our reactive brain and it stays there? Because our body doesn’t recognize a one-time stressful event versus something that is continuing, it just automatically goes into “I need to keep them safe.”

Simple Energy Healing Technique to Regain Clarity

So what do we do instinctively when we are under stress? A lot of times, we put our hand right up to our forehead and go, “Oh no!” And that is our body’s automatic response saying we need to get our thinking brains back. And so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do that. We’re going to put our hands to our forehead, but the trick is to keep it there. We want to keep our hand there because our hands are electromagnetic, so anywhere we put them on our body, the blood and the energy of the body are going to respond. So we want to keep our hands right on our forehead so that our reactive brain gets a little bit of a break and it comes back into our thinking brain.

And what we’re going to do here is think about what is causing you stress. What’s causing you stress right now? Is it, “I don’t have enough”? Is it, potentially, “I’m worried about my family,” or “I’m worried about my health”? Just think about that. Keep your hand on your forehead, take a couple deep breaths, and you can feel your body relaxing. We’re doing two things here: by keeping our hand on our forehead, we are interrupting that automatic response of sending the blood from our thinking brain to our reactive brain, but now what we’re doing is we’re training the body that when we think about this situation, we need to think about it and not react to it. All good stuff.

So keep your hand there for as long as it feels good. It can be 30 seconds, it can be a minute, it can be two minutes, it could be five minutes. I’ll leave that up to you.

The Power of Energy Healing for Stress Relief

This is why I love Eden Energy Medicine. These techniques are so easy, but yet they’re so profound on the body. And I encourage you, if you have specific questions, you can reach out to me via social media at the Ideal Method. You can reach out to me via my website at I would love to talk to you and see how energy medicine can help you with anything that you have going on. Have a great day. Bye.