Do you feel as if you are living in a constant state of stress? When is the last time you felt a sense of peace or joy? Try this easy exercise that you can do anywhere to release stress in the body, bring balance to your system and tap into joy!

Hi, it’s Debbie Jones from The Ideal Method, and today I want to share with you one of my very favorite energy exercises. And over the past couple videos that I’ve been sharing with you, we’ve been talking about various systems in the body, and our ultimate goal is to bring balance into our systems. And we’ve got several different energy systems, but ultimately, balance is where we are going to feel the best. This is when we are going to feel calm and confident and happy, joyful even. We feel well-equipped to handle anything that comes our way.

How Energy Healing Supports Emotional Balance

And in these times, a lot of things are coming our way that kind of want to bring our systems out of balance. And as we’ve talked, when our systems are out of balance, that’s when we feel stressful. You might not be sleeping well at night, might feel very overwhelmed, having very extreme emotions. Our digestion might be off a little bit, and those are all indications that our energy systems and our bodies are just out of balance, and we need to bring them back into balance.

Activating the Radiant Circuits for More Joy

So today, we’re going to tap into the radiant circuits. The radiant circuits, as they sound, are joyful. This is where our joy sits, and they can move throughout the body wherever they are needed to bring energy systems back into balance. The beautiful thing is that our stress response system, Triple Warmer, that we’ve talked about in so many of the videos, it is also a radiant circuit. Who knew? That’s two very important jobs!

So what we’re going to do is we are going to tap into the radiant circuits in a very, very simple way and activate that joy and bring balance. 

Simple Energy Healing Exercise to Reduce Stress

So the first thing that we’re going to do is—you know all of these exercises are super simple—you can do this when standing up, sitting down, even laying down if that’s more comfortable for you. So we’re going to take our first arm, we’re going to wrap it around our waist and have it come right in, right in up under our armpit here, and just wrap our fingers right in there. And our other hand is going to come in, and you can bring all of your fingers together and just bring it in the middle of your chest. And we’re going to take a couple deep breaths and just notice how you feel before we start, and then we’ll just take a little sense of how you feel afterwards.

So we’re just gonna take in a couple deep breaths. All right, if you can just tune in to the energy moving throughout your body. You might feel a little tingling sensation. You might, as soon as you put your hands here, you might have felt a little burst of energy because you’re talking to a system that potentially you haven’t talked to in a long time. 

Restoring Balance with Energy Medicine Techniques

And you’re gonna hold this as long as it feels comfortable. Now, you can also take your—switch your arms around and bring balance. We’re always talking about balance—and do it on the other side as well. And for me, this one just brings a sense of calm and relief and a sense that everything’s gonna be okay. And you can hold this posture as long as it feels comfortable for you.

Bringing More Joy & Less Stress with Energy Healing

This is a great one as you’re going to bed at night. Just lay in bed for a couple minutes before you close your eyes, or even after you’ve closed your eyes and you’re ready to go off to sleep. This is a great one to activate those radiant circuits as you go into that sleep pattern. It’s a great one to do before you—before you get out of bed as well.  And that’s it! Really simple, really easy. Helps reduce the stress, increase joy, bring balance to the system. Easy.

Connect With The Ideal Method for More Energy Healing Techniques

That’s it! You know how to get in touch with me. I have a Facebook page at The Ideal Method. I also have a website at, where all of my videos are housed there. Also on a YouTube channel at The Ideal Method as well. And we’ll see you again soon! Bye!