Hi everybody, so this is day two of just energy practices that I wanted to share with everyone since we’re, you know, all home and taking care of ourselves right now. So I hope everybody had an opportunity to watch yesterday’s videos, the daily energy routine. Go ahead and pull that up, continue to do it every day. Today we’re just gonna take us a little step further. I’m going to show you another exercise that you can do and then also we’re gonna be holding some acupressure points. I’ll be explaining what that does to help our bodies.
So first, before we get started, just take a moment to see where you are. How is your body feeling? How is your mind feeling? Just kind of rank it between 1 and 10. You know, are you feeling overly anxious? Are there other emotions coming up? Do you feel good about things? But just tune in and see how you feel, and we’re gonna get started.
Energy Healing Exercise: Wayne Cook Posture
The first thing that we’re going to do is going to be the Wayne Cook posture, and what this does is it helps to focus the mind, bring clarity, and give a better perspective about what’s happening around us, whether it’s in this time or it’s not, and it helps us to think a little bit more clearly. So here, I’m sitting down today because this exercise is really easy to do sitting down, but I’ll give you modifications as well.
So the first thing that you’re going to do is take one of your legs and bring it over and just put your ankle on top of your knee. And if that’s hard for you to do, if you have any type of hip sensitivity or if this is just a position that’s not comfortable for you, then what you can do is just keep both of your legs down and you’re going to cross your ankles. You can’t see that on the camera, but crossing your ankles is going to give you the same opportunity there.
Then, what we’re doing here is crossing our legs. You’re going to take this one hand, follow your leg down, and have it just rest on your ankle. And then what you’re gonna do with your other hand is you’re gonna follow this leg all the way down and wrap it around to the outside of your pinky toe. Okay, and we’re going to take a couple of deep breaths in. So we’re going to go one, pull up, and exhale. There’s my dog walking by, she’s very interested. And we’re gonna take a deep breath in and exhale. One more time, up, and exhale.
And then what we’re gonna do is switch. So you’re gonna put that leg down. If you have your legs crossed, on the thing, you can just switch over and put the other foot on top of the other one. We’re gonna take this ankle, put it on top of your knee, gonna take this arm, you’re gonna follow it down on your leg and have it sit right on top of your ankle. You’re gonna take this hand, follow it all the way down and crisscross. What I want here is with the nice crisscross. We’re crisscrossing our arms and we’re crisscrossing our legs. That’s why I do the motion. We’ll follow it down here and follow this leg all the way around because when, maybe when you’re not with me, you might forget, “Where do I put my hands? What’s going on?” We want that nice crisscross. Wrap it around your little pinky toe here and we’re gonna pull up again and exhale, inhale, and exhale. And one more time and exhale.
And then what I want you to do is bring your hands together. We’re gonna make a little triangle with all of our fingers matching each other. We’re gonna take our thumbs and put it right on top of our third eye, and again, we’re going to take, you know, two or three deep breaths, and you can almost feel all the tension just being released from your body and bringing nice great oxygen into the body as well. And then relax.
And that’s it. That’s the Wayne Cook posture. So again, it helps clear the thoughts. It helps to unwind a lot of that inner chaos that we might be feeling right now. So just tune in and see how you feel after doing that little exercise.
Energy Healing with Acupressure Points
The next one that we’re going to do is we’re gonna be holding some acupressure points. So working these, the acupressure points would be the same points that if you go to an acupuncturist, these would be the points that they’re using. We’re gonna be tapping into the meridian system and tapping into other energetic systems within the body.
Tapping into Triple Warmer for Stress Relief
So this one that we’re doing is we’re tapping into triple warmer, which is another word for our stress response system. This is the fight-or-flight. So we’re going to tap into that system as well as spleen. And we talked about spleen yesterday too, the little tapping points right here on the side of the body coming up here. But what’s really great is that the stress response, triple warmer and spleen, they have really great responsibilities in the body when they were trying to combat stress or if there’s anything that we’re going through that might be very stressful for us, but on the flip side, those systems also generate joy and they generate peace.
And so we’re going to tap into their other duties. So they’ve been really doing a lot for us on managing our stress, but we want to tap into that joyful side to bring that inner peace into us and just get those joy centers running around.
Acupressure Points for Stress & Joy Activation
So the first thing that we’re gonna do is you’re gonna come into your belly button right here, you’re gonna drop down about two inches, and this is going to be hitting the point, which is CV7. It’s a fancy name, but just go two inches down from your belly button. And then we’re going to come into that spleen point we talked about it yesterday. So it’s coming in right on the ribcage for women, right where your bra strap, and we’re just gonna hold this and take a couple of deep breaths.
And again, just tune in to see how that feels for you. So we’re doing a lot of things here. What we’re doing is we are supporting the immune system. Triple warmer and spleen do a lot for the immune system. But what we’re doing is we’re calming the stress response system. We’re calming triple warmer and telling that system that everything is okay, and we’re activating it as a radiant circuit, which is our joy and our peace. And after a few breaths, we’re gonna go ahead and change hands and come over to the other side because we know meridians run up both sides of the body, so we want to get both spleen points. And we’re gonna hold this and breathe. And you can almost just feel that stress just release from the entire body.
Connect With The Ideal Method for More Energy Healing Techniques
Now, if you’re looking for maybe a more powerful connection into the radiant circuits, what you can do is bring this hand all the way up to the thymus, and we talked about that yesterday. So this is your heart center coming in, and we’re coming into the middle of that heart center, right into the thymus, and we’re connecting it to spleen, and we’re going to go ahead and do it on the other side.
Perfect. Now you don’t have to do both of those, meaning holding CV7 and spleen and then heart and spleen, but one of those might feel a little bit better for you that it makes more of a connection. Try it out, see what works, and again, if you have any recommendations of what you might want to tap into over the next couple of days, we’re gonna be tapping into the emotional side, we’re gonna be tapping into different systems, we’re gonna be tapping into polarity and making sure that our polarity is nice and set during these times. But if you have any suggestions, put them in the comments or direct message me and we’ll get those exercises together and we’ll do them together.
Thanks, have a great day!