Do you find yourself low on energy, unable to concentrate, or you are susceptible to colds? This video is a demonstration of a quick Daily Energy Routine, based off the teachings of Donna Eden of Eden Energy Medicine, that can be done in less than 5 min (once you learn the movements!). These exercises help you stay focused, boost your immune system, relive stress, and empower you to be in control of your health.

I do this routine at least once a day, sometimes more, to keep my energies harmonized and working WITH me instead of against me!

Hi everybody! I’m taking a good guess that you might be home too, so I thought I would take this time to get myself into video. So, as most of you know, I’m an Eden Energy Medicine certified practitioner, and what I do is all about energy and how to keep your energy systems healthy and strong. 

Why Energy Medicine Matters for Stress Relief

Our physical body represents what’s happening in our energetic body, so I thought I’d just do a quick video on the daily energy routine. This is something that I do once a day at least, if not more times a day, to keep my energy systems feeling healthy and also empowering myself during this time because there’s a lot of stress and anxiety happening in the world right now. This helps me to stay nice and centered, it helps me to feel very, again, very empowered that I am in charge of my own health. So, I thought I’d give it a try, and you guys can do it along with me.

Energy Healing Exercise 1: The Four Thumbs

So, the first thing that we’re going to do is what’s called the four thumbs, and what this does is it grounds and boosts our energy and strengthens our immune system. So, the Thump. First thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to come in and just make a little three or four-finger notch with your fingers, and what we’re going to do is we’re going to come in and thump right here on those cheekbones and thump-thump-thump. Not like we’re putting on makeup, we got thump-thump-thump. What this is doing is it’s activating the Stomach Meridian. The stomach meridian runs from our cheekbones all the way down to the bottom of our feet, and what that does is it’s releasing all this energy that we no longer need. But because it runs all the way down to our feet, it’s also grounding us. Wonderful.

Energy Healing Exercise 2: Kidney Meridian Activation

The next thing that we’re going to do is the Kidney Meridian. We’re going to come into what’s called the K-27 and take the notch right here on your collarbone, go down about an inch, feel around—there’s probably a point that’s really, really tender for you, and it is for me a little bit. What this means is that kidney meridian could use a little support today, so that’s what we’re going to do. You can either take your thumbs and really get in there and do little baby circles, or you can take that three-finger notch again and just pound it out. What this is doing is the kidney meridian runs right next to, almost right next to the stomach, so it’s going to pull that energy up from the bottom of our feet all the way up to right here. So, what we’re going to do is we want that beautiful energy coming up from the earth, and so we’re just going to tap that out.

Energy Healing Exercise 3: Thymus Activation for Immune Support

The next thing that we’re going to do is the Thymus. We’re going to come into the thymus, and this is right in the middle of the breastbone. So, you can either use a pounding, or again, you can use that three-finger tab, and what this is doing is talking directly to the immune system. We’re saying, “We know that you need lots of support today, so I’m going to give it to you.” If you’re out and about and you feel a little bit vulnerable, go ahead and tap this. It’s going to talk directly to the immune system and let it know that it’s nice and strong.

Energy Healing Exercise 4: Spleen Points for Stress Relief

The fourth point that we’re going to do is spleen points. So, we’re going to come in right on our side, right down here, right on our ribcage, and what we’re going to do is on both sides, and we’re going to tap on the spleen. And what happens here is when we are under stress, our stress system says, “Hey spleen, do you have any energy for me?” and spleen always gets it, gives it to that system. So, what we want to do is just give some energy back to the spleen. We need to keep our spleens nice and healthy when we’ve got, again, a lot of stress going on around us, maybe some illness. We want to keep the spleen nice and healthy, and you’re doing it. These points are probably a little bit tender as well. If they are, that’s just a wonderful indication that you need some energy there. Perfect.

Energy Healing Exercise 5: Crossover Shoulder Pull

The next thing that we’re going to do is called the crossover shoulder pull. So, you’re just going to take a hand, you’re going to come over one shoulder, you can dig right into that muscle back there, and you’re going to sweep the energy down off your body. And what this does is it helps the body’s energies crisscross. Did I say that right? I don’t know. So, what that does is it’s just going to make sure that we are crossing our energy over, and this is a very natural pattern within the body’s energies.

Energy Healing Exercise 6: Cross Crawl for Coordination

The next thing that we’re going to do is what’s called the cross crawl. And what you’re going to do is you’re going to take one hand and you’re going to hit the opposite knee. You can do this sitting down. What this does is it’s going to improve coordination, but it also helps to clear thinking. So again, we might have lots of thoughts going through our heads that might not be really helping us too much right now. This is going to help clear out that thinking for us. And I’m bringing my hands nice and wide so that they cross over my eyes. Oops, cross over my eyes. There we go. And if this is hard to do, again, you can do it sitting down, or if you’re even finding it really hard to have that coordination, this is something that is really needed. So, our body is already talking to us and telling us what we need and supporting us. So, perfect.

Energy Healing Exercise 7: Crown Pull for Mental Clarity

The next one that we’re going to do is called the crown pull. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our hands, we’re going to come up right up on our forehead, we’re going to crisscross those fingers right across our forehead, and we’re going to pull. What this is doing—and you’re going to come all the way up on your head—don’t worry if you’re messing up your hair, I can’t see it. I’m going to turn around. I hope this is showing up on camera. You’re going to come all the way down your neck and cross those energies over again. You’re going to pull out those nice muscles and sweep that energy off. What that does is it’s opening up the energy in your crown and it allows for higher inspiration, and it’s allowing to clear that thinking out as well. And in our head, it’s a wonderful thing to do if you find that you really can’t concentrate. This is a wonderful exercise that you can do for yourself.

Energy Healing Exercise 8: Connecting Heaven and Earth

The next thing that we’re going to do is called connecting heaven and earth. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to rub our hands together, get that energy rubbing in there. You can feel your hands getting nice and warm. Bring them on your thighs, just take a nice deep breath. Bring your hands up and around, come down right in front of your heart, and then I just like to bounce my knees a little bit. You’re going to bring one hand—the palm of the hand is going to go up—and the other palm of the hand is going to go down. I’m going to try to show that on camera. Perfect. And then you’re just, at your own pace, you switch. I like to take a deep breath in as I’m looking up and exhale as I look down. And this is going to open up all the energy systems in the body, clear out any energy that we no longer need, and allow for space for the energy that we do need. And after you’ve done that a couple of times, what you’re going to do is you’re going to sweep your hands down. Now, if you can just bend over at the waist—I have a little bit of a sensitive lower back, so what I’m going to do is I’m going to bend my knees and I’m going to bring that energy all the way down and just let your arms dangle just a little bit. And then what you’re going to do is scoop that energy up and over your head. Great!

Energy Healing Exercise 9: Zip-Up & Hook-Up for Protection

The next one that we’re going to do—forget! Two more to go—is we’re just going to do a zip-up. You’re going to take your hands down at the bottom of your pelvic bone, and you’re going to zip up your energy up and over. And what this is doing is it’s zipping up your body’s energy system so that if you do have to come into contact with anybody else, that you’re not vulnerable to their energies, that you stay here. A lot of times when we walk into a room, we can feel what everybody else is feeling—whether there’s a bit of an anxious feeling, or people are happy or sad. This helps us to keep our energies to ourself, and even though people are experiencing other emotions, we don’t begin to experience those as well if they’re not ours. So again, we’re just going to zip up, and then we’re just going to come up and just lock it into place.

Energy Healing Exercise 10: Hook-Up

The last one that we’re going to do is called the hook-up. And what this does is it literally hooks up all the energy systems in our body, but it also calms down the system as well. So, we’re going to take our middle fingers, we’re going to take one in the belly button, we’re going to put one on the third eye, you’re going to gently push in and pull up. Take a couple of deep breaths. Just be aware of how you feel, and I can already feel everything calming down.

Connect With The Ideal Method for More Energy Healing Techniques

And that’s it! That’s the daily energy routine. We’ve got a couple of other exercises in there—they do require sitting down—but this one is going to be really great for you. Tomorrow, we’ll do some sitting-down exercises as well as holding some acupressure points. So, I hope you found this helpful. I really hope to see you again tomorrow, and if there’s anything energetically that you want to focus on, put some comments in and I’ll pull out the energy exercises and then we’ll start focusing on those things. Okay, thank you so much! See you again.